1. Battle of Hissar Firoza (26 February 1526): An eighteen-year-old Humayun makes his debut in the theatre of war with a decisive win over his Afghan opponent Hamid Khan in the region of Hisar Firoza (now in present-day Haryana, India). Babur later gifts the region to Humayun and he on his own coronation to Kamran, his younger half-brother. The region held immense strategic value during the time of the early Gurkhani regents for the road it possessed connecting Delhi to Afghanistan – from where the Gurkanis recruited their primary manpower.
2. First Battle of Panipat (12 April 1526): A month later in the battle that paved the way for Gurkani supremacy in Hindustan. Humayun supported by his father’s trusted generals forms the inner right wing of the army. The battle is recorded to have been won by noon. In spite of the Afghans outnumbering the Gurkhanis by 1 to 10. Babur’s use of firearms is said to be have been one of the vital factors in the decisive outcome.
3. Siege of Agra (4 May 1526): In the same year, on the orders of his father, Babur. Humayun proceeds to the region of Agra, the second capital of the Afghans. He lays siege to the fort awaiting his father’s arrival. The prince remains outside the town, guarding the roads and preventing his troops from plundering the inhabitants.
During the siege, he defeats the forces of the King of Gwalior Bikramjit (an ally of the Afghans). The family of the vanquished offers him the fabled Kohinoor diamond in gratitude for sparing their lives. Humayun presents the diamond to his father. But the regent in his generosity allows him to retain it.
4. Battle of Kanpur (1526): To ease his father’s burdens. Humayun volunteers to go east to the region of Kanpur to crush Afghan opposition. Terrified of their opponents, the Afghans of Kanpur flee at the sight of the Gurkani allowing Humayun to pursue them for close to 200km. Humayun remains in Kanpur capturing the region of Janpura. He then begins conciliatory negotiations hoping to win over as many Afghan nobles as possible. He is partially successful.
5. Battle of Khanwah (17 March 1527): Recalled back by Babur to reinforce the main army in the battle against the valiant Rajput king, Rana Sunga. Humayun once again forms Babur’s rightwing.
The battle of Khanwah is noted for Babur’s famous act of breaking the wine cups and pledge to abstain from alcohol in return for a fortunate victory. Rana Sunga initially defeats the Gurkani vanguard. But in the preceding hard-fought encounter, the Gurkanis win the day. Shattering the image of the martial prowess of the Rajputs, hitherto considered invincible.
6. Conquest of Hisar and Qabadian (1529): The unwillingness of Humayun’s Badakhshani troops to stay in India prompts Babur to transfer Humayun, their commander, to Badakhshan (Afghanistan). Another reason for Babur’s decision is suspected to be his master plan for the conquest of Central Asia especially Samarkand (his cherished dream).
A plan that he hoped to accomplish by positioning Humayun in Badakhshan and his half-brother, Kamran, in Kabul for mounting offensives. Attesting to the fact is Humayun’s conquest of Hisar and Qabadian on the north of the Amu Darya (Oxus River), Afghanistan.
Dr. S.K. Banerjee (author of Humayun Badshah) states Humayun was the only regent among the five noted emperors of his dynasty to have successfully expanded the borders this far west. And his endeavours far superseded that of his successors. Humayun had accomplished the feat in alliance with the local tribes.
7. Siege of Kalinjar (1531): The fortress of Kalinjar is the stronghold of the Hindu Chandel kings and over the centuries has remained an impregnable obstacle to many invaders. Humayun first lays siege to the fortress in 1529. A few days after recovering from his life-threatening fever. Possibly to please his father, Babur. However, the older regent’s deteriorating health and critical condition forces him to withdraw midway.
In 1531, a year after his coronation. Possibly to take care of this unfinished business. Humayun besieges the fortress once more and although the fortress remains unoccupied. The siege results in the submission of a powerful and ancient Rajput family. Gaining Humayun wealth, political mileage and prestige. Kalinjar henceforth becomes a grandee of the Gurkhani realm with the Chandel king, speculated to have paid 6,720 tolas of gold as a part of the treaty.
8. Battle of Dadhra (August 1532): Mahmud Lodi a relative of the disposed Ibrahim Lodi is a powerful Afghan warlord stationed in what is now the present-day Indian state of Bihar. Desirous of evicting the Gurkani from Hindustan and bringing back the supremacy of the Pashutan Afghans. He launches a surprise invasion and manages to penetrate some extent into Gurkani territory. Under his command is a large and powerful Afghan confederacy of nobles and soldiers called to arms in the name of national honour.
Humayun rapidly moves to counter the threat and decisively squashes Mahumud’s ambitions at the battle of Dadhra. Defeated once before by Babur in the battle of Ghagra. This is Mahumud’s second and final defeat. From this point onward one ceases to hear much of Mahmud Lodi.
9. Siege of Chunar (September-December 1532): Known during the time as the key to Bengal and Bihar. The fortress of Chunar is an unconquerable stronghold situated as it is on a steep hill with excellent vantage points in all directions. It belongs to the Afghan warlord Sher Shah Sur. Who Humayun suspects of having supported Mahmud Lodi.
In 1532, shortly after the victory of Dadhra. Humayun besieges the fortress for a period of four months. But upon learning of an imminent invasion of his territories. This time from Gujarat. He hastily concludes a peace treaty. Sher Shah is to be a vassal and supply the imperial army with a contingent of 500 soldiers under the command of a son.
10. Battle of Bhojpur (1534): Humayun’s brother in law, Muhammad Zaman Mirza is a Timurid noble and commander. Along with Muhammad Sultan Mirza, another cousin of Humayun. He rebels against the sovereignty of Humayun for a second time and creates unrest in the empire. But Humayun quickly deals with the situation. He defeats Zaman Mirza in the battle of Bhojpur. Imprisons the pretenders and sentences them to be blinded. Zaman Mirza, however, escapes and joins Bhadur Shah of Gujarat. Humayun had pardoned both his relatives after their first show of discontentment.
11. Conquest of Malwa and Gujarat (1535-36): For a long time Humayun dabbles in diplomatic manoeuvres to prevent a full-scale war between his Gurkani realm and the Sultanate of Gujarat under the rule of Bahadur Shah.
He does his best to maintain friendly ties with the regent of Gujarat. In his earnest desire for peace, he even overlooks a minor invasion. Which is nonetheless quickly and effectively dealt with by his half-brothers Hindal and Askari in the battle of Mandrayal.
In fact, Humayun is so eager for peace that he also does not raise the issue of Bhadur Shah having provided sanctuary to Tartar Khan. A son of Allaudin Lodi and a brother of Ibrahim Lodi. Though Tartar Khan is a dangerous pretender to the throne of Delhi and a threat to the Gurkani realm. Humayun as a sign of his goodwill demands only the return of his rebellious brother in law, Zaman Mirza. A political exile in the court of Bhadur.
However, the Gujarati Sultan’s refusal to comply prompts Humayun to launch a full-scale war in 1535. The successful military campaign wins the Gurkani large tracts of territories in present-day central Gujarat. But Humayun’s use of brute force and mismanagement of administrative affairs by his half-brother Askari leads to their loss shortly a year after.
12. Second siege of Chunar and invasion of Bengal (1537-38): Concerned over his vassal Sher Shah’s ambitious expansion policies that pose a threat to the Gurkani realm. Humayun besieges and conquers the fort of Chunar within a span of six months.
The acquisition is a commendable achievement of his career. Even though Humayun does not gain much in terms of wealth as the willy Sur has already transferred his treasury out of the fortress. Then a year later in an attempt to reinstate Bengal’s disposed ruler, Sultan Ghiyasuddin Mahmud. Ousted by Sher Shah Sur upon his conquest of Bengal. Humayun embarks on the invasion of Bengal. He occupies the capital city, Gaur, without much effort.
Upon entering the city, Humayun finds the rotting corpses of thousands of Gaur’s inhabitants. Massacred by Sher Shah Sur during his occupation. Humayun not only arranges for the burial of Sultan Ghiyasuddin Mahmud who has succumbed en route. But also of its deceased citizens.
He then spends eight months in the region possibly to prevent Sur from reclaiming back the territory. During which time disease and sickness devastates his army. Close to 1539 learning of his half-brother Hindal’s desertion and rebellion. Humayun orders a general retreat for his capital in Agra. Before leaving he garrisons Gaur with a handpicked contingent of 5,000 soldiers. Sher Shah has each one executed on retaking Gaur after his victory at Chausa.
13. Battle of Chausa (26 June 1539): Aware of the weakened state of the Gurkani army and Hindal’s rebellion. The ever-cautious Afghan Sher Shah blocks Humayun’s return to Agra in the region of Chausa. That now falls in the present-day state of Bihar. Hitherto Sher Shah has relied on guerrilla warfare and defensive tactics. He has harassed the retreating Gurkani army with hit and run raids. But not dared to oppose it with an open assault.
At Chausa the Gurkanis and Afghans face off for three months. Both are unwilling to initiate a full-scale attack. The Afghans weary of another defeat and the Gurkanis depleted in strength and sapped in vigour by the heat and malarial climate. They have already lost a considerable number from sickness during their occupation of Gaur.
Conscious of the deplorable state of his army. Humayun attempts to negotiate a truce with Sher Shah who is in a much stronger position. Sher Sha toys with Humayun’s diplomats and rejects his proposals. The deadlock ends three months later at midnight with a three-pronged surprise attack, Sur launches on the unprepared Gurkanis. Sher Shah’s Afghans massacre the Gurkhanis in their sleep.
The surprise attack and overpowering is often stated to be due to the negligence and desertion of Zaman Mirza. Humayun’s rebellious brother-in-law. Who is believed to have abandoned his post as the commander of the night watch. Humayun had pardoned the rebellious commander a third time, at the behest of his sister.
14. Battle of Kannuj (17 May 1540): Making it back to Agra and eager to avenge his defeat at Chausa. Humayun pleads with his brother Kamran to lease him his army of 20,000 battle-hardened soldiers. Due to the fact, that practically nothing much remains of his own veteran forces.
Kamran is willing to lend Humayun his assistance but on the condition that he is to be the supreme commander of the army. Humayun, however, rejects Kamran’s proposal on the grounds of lost prestige. The negotiations continue for seven months bearing no results. To make matters worse, Kamran becomes afflicted with a mysterious illness of the intestine. And comes to suspect Humayun, plotting to have him poisoned. Nonetheless, Kamran does cede 3,000 of his auxiliaries before returning back to Kabul.
Forced to built-up an additional combatable number to counter Sher Shah’s battle-tested Afghans. Humayun hastily scrapes up men from an inexperienced stock and marches for Kannuj, now in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Reaching the banks of the Ganges in May 1540, the Gurkanis cross the river and pitch their tents opposite the Afghan encampment. But unexpected rains flood their camp on the 15th of May 1540. This forces them to consider relocating to higher grounds.
However, with Sur’s forces close by, Haider Mirza (Humayun’s cousin and commander-in-chief of the Gurkani army on this occasion) suggests staging military demonstrations (troop movements) to test Sur’s reaction and masking the relocation of the campsite.
On the 17th of May 1540, during the first demonstration. Both armies are quickly drawn into battle. The Afghans begin their assault in broad daylight with coordinated attacks on the Gurkani centre, left and right flanks. They succeed in not only pushing back the Gurkanis but encompassing them from all sides. What follows is yet another massacre and ultimately a complete route.
Humayun does not personally lead the Gurkhani forces on this day as he is incapacitated by hallucinations. Possibly arising from his consumption of opium. The Afghans eventually win the day by applying the Tulghama formation. A military offensive that was ironically invented by Babur fourteen years ago.
15. Siege of Bhakkar and Sewan, Sindh (1541): After his defeat at Kannuj and expulsion from power Humayun flees to Lahore with plans of making his way to Badakhshan his former fief. But his brother Kamran opposes his move in fear that by his right as emperor he may supersede his hold over Kabul.
In a much stronger position than Humayun at this stage. Kamran bars Humayun from venturing anywhere near Kabul or its vicinity. With no other alternative in sight, Humayun heads for the region of Sindh, in present-day Pakistan. His plan is to claim the lands of Husen Arghun. The chief of another clan of Timurids (ousted by Babur from Kabul in the past).
To make Husen submit, Humayun besieges his fortress at Bhakkar and Sewan (Sindh, Pakistan). However, Husen’s scorched earth policy, mass desertions and fierce resistance from the Arghun armies force Humayun to withdraw from Sewan and lose Bhakkar within days of its capture. Also at this time, he comes to know of Husen’s alliance with Kamran (Husen weds his daughter to Kamran thus the two become in-laws).
16. Capture of Jun, Sindh (1542): Reinforced by Rana Prasad of Umerkot (Sindh, Pakistan) and his allies. A Hindu regent he meets during his exile and from whom he receives both sanctuary and military aid. Human attempts to once again bring Husen Arghun under his sovereignty. He is successful in capturing the district of Jun, a place that is stated to have existed on the Indus Delta, at a six days march away from the city of Thatta (Sindh, Pakistan). However, dissensions break out in the camp with Rana Prasad and his Hindu allies deserting over an unaddressed quarrel with a Gurkani noble.
17. Battle of Haji-Khan, Sindh (1542): Commencing shortly after the desertion of Rana Prasad. The battle of Haji-Khan is a hard-fought contest between Humayun’s remaining forces and the army of Husen Arghun. Attested by the death of one Ali Beg who perished with his entire contingent.
The lost battle is followed again by a second attack by Husen in the district of Jun, this time with gunboats. Though in this encounter both sides suffer heavy casualties. Humayun’s losses turn out to be more. As many demoralized nobles under his banner, defect to Husen.
Ultimately in a cease-fire that comes about. Husen is able to persuade Humayun to leave his territory for Khandhar. Heartbroken over his continuing string of misfortunes since Chausa, Humayun accepts and departs Sindh, unharassed by the enemy.
18. Siege of Khandar (1545): Returning from Persia with a 14,000 strong Persian army under the command of Prince Murad. The infant son of Shah Tahmasp. Humayun besieges the fortified city of Khandhar for a period of forty days.
Though the Persian army is in essence only for the capture of Khandhar. Which is to be held by the Persians. Humayun uses it to achieve his own goals. With its help, he forces the garrison inside to subsequently submit. Then imprisons his half-brother Askari (governor of Khandhar) for plotting to have him arrested during his exile.
After capturing Khandar he expells the Persian governor and what remains of the Persian army. Avenging his humiliation at the court of Shah Tahmasp.
19. Battle of Guzargh (October 1545): In the first encounter between Humayun and Kamran, once bonded as brothers now bitter enemies. Humayun’s pious clemency and his act of forgiving both grave and menial offences win him the day. Nobles and soldiers loyal to Kamran desert their prince for Humayun who prudently pardons them, incorporates them into his army and promotes them. Kamran flees Kabul in the cover of night learning of Humayun’s bloodless victory.
20. Siege of Qila-i-Zafar, Badakshan (1546): Humayun besieges Qila-i-Zafar, a stronghold in the region of Badakhshan. He does this to make its hereditary ruler Suleiman Mirza pledge his allegiance once more. Sulaiman was Humayun’s cousin and instated as ruler of Badakhshan by Babur, after Humayun, then a prince, had refused to return to the lonely outpost. Humayun too, after his coronation, had allowed Suleiman to remain ruler of the region and would continue the same policy after his return from Persia. Nonetheless, this act of Humayun shows his 15-year ordeal had led him to develop a suspicion for even those loyal to him.

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21. Siege of Kabul (1546): Humayun suffers an illness for two months during which time his half-brother Kamran manages to sneak inside the city of Kabul and assassinate its aged governor Muhammad Ali, who is Humayun’s maternal uncle. Taking control of Kabul once more, Kamran embarks on a spree of murders and inflicts atrocities upon the families of the nobles who deserted him for Humayun in the battle of Guzargh.
Recovering from his illness, Humayun besieges the city of Kabul at the end of winter. During the siege occurs the incident of Kamran exposing Humayun’s son, Akbar, on the battlements to prevent artillery bombardment. Humayun ultimately retakes the city after several bloody encounters.
22. Battle against the Uzbeks (1549): During his reign in Kabul. Humayun leads an expedition to conquer the hardy tribes of Uzbeks who dwell nearby. But is forced to abandon the military expedition after suffering heavy causalities. The failure arising from instability in the royal family.
While one of his brother in law, an Uzbek noble, deserts upon realizing the war is directed against his people. Kamran, who Humayun has pardoned a few months back, and ordered to be a part of the military campaign is nowhere to be found. His absence persuades many of the nobles to head back to Kabul. In fear, the prince may again have gained control of the city and was punishing their families.
23. Conflict at the Qibchag defile(1550): Essentially a pitched engagement between Humayun and Kamran, somewhere in the neighbourhood of probably Kabul. The encounter at Qibchag is known to us for a nasty head wound Humayun receives. Inflicted by a soldier of Kamran. The blunt force of the sword makes his forehead bleed but without slicing open his cap and turban. The wound is said to have been similar to one Babur had once received. Both Humayun and Babur may likely have been wearing a chain mail coif.
24. Battle of Charikaran (1550): Humayun reinforced by the Badakhshani forces of Suleiman Mirza. Prepped up and put in his service in a short time by Haram Begum (Suleiman’s wife and a formidable lady known for her military capabilities). Defeats the forces of Kamran in a pitched battle – depleting the prince’s forces of many experienced officers and soldiers.
25. Battle of Tangayha Pass (1551): In the final battle fought between Kamran and Humayun. Kamran launches a night assault but after initial success is defeated by the imperial forces. However, for the Gurkani family, the outcome is a black day for the death of Hindal. Humayun’s youngest and most beloved brother. Hindal was the same rebellious prince who had been instrumental in Humayun’s defeat at Chausa with his rebellion and desertion. Yet thereafter had remained loyal to the very end.
Hindal is said to have been severed from the armpit by the blade of a soldier of Kamran – who also is also known to have expressed his grief. Two years after this encounter Kamran is finally captured and blinded in 1553. A common punishment for treason in the medieval age.
26. Battle of Machiwara (1555): With his position now secure and his forces strong to contest the Afghans of Hindustan, Humayun embarks on his reconquest of Hindustan on the 15th of November 1554.
He rapidly descends on Punjab conquering Peshawar, Rothas and Lahore in present-day Pakistan and Jallandhar and Dibalpur in present-day India in the year 1555. Then sends a military detachment under his loyal sword arm Baihram Beg to capture Sirhind (Punjab, India). Baihram arrives near sunset and finds a 30,000 Afghan army blocking his path.
In spite of being heavily outnumbered the Gurkani detachment gives battle and successfully routes the larger Afghan army at a fishermen’s village on the banks of the river Sutlej known as Machiwara. Later, this same detachment captures Sirhind. The battle is said to have been won by the use of incendiary projectiles. One flaming arrow had accidentally set fire to the village illuminating the gathered Afghans for easy picking.
27. Battle of Sirhind (22 June 1555): Sikander Sur, successor and nephew of Sher Shah Sur confronts the Gurkani garrison at Sirhind with an army of 1,00,000. Humayun arrives in June to reinforce the garrison with all available units at hand and takes to strengthen Sirhind’s defences for a month while sporadic combats occur between the Gurkhanis and the Afghans.
On 22nd June, one such combat accidentally develops into a full-scale battle leading to the defeat and route of the Afghans who suffer even greater losses during their retreat. Sikander Sur flees for the Himalayas abandoning Delhi – allowing Humayun to reenter his city of Din-Panah (See Farbound.Net story: Din Panah, city of Humayun) on the 23rd of July 1555. Ending his fifteen years of exile.